

Joining the NSW SAAB Club gains you access to one of the best car clubs in NSW. 

SAAB cars are famous for their unique combination of gorgeous styling, outstanding performance and unbeatable safety. SAAB cars were born from jets, and that heritage has been evident all models produced from 1945 right up the demise of the Automobile devision in 2012. 

Joining NSW SAAB will introduce you to the friendliest, most helpful, enthusiastic and dedicated members. We are not just car geeks – we are a friendly, social bunch of SAAB enthusiasts who enjoy the company of others that enjoy driving these iconic cars. 

All we ask is that you have a passion for SAAB cars – you don't even have to own one…yet. 

Membership brings with it many additional benefits to Saab owners, including:

  • Established relationships with our official sponsors and access to other businesses or services as negotiated;
  • The world-class 'SaabMissions' Club magazine;
  • The opportunity to participate in local events such as drive days, BBQs, winery tours and more;
  • The chance to meet new friends and to share experiences with like-minded Saab owners


Membership fees 

The Membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June each year. 

INDIVIDUAL MEMBER:  $75 per year ($40 if joining between January and June).
FAMILY or CORPORATE MEMBER:  $100 per year ($55 if joining between January and June).

Saab Car Club Membership application form (opens in a new widow)

Membership subscriptions can be paid by bank deposit or internet transfer to the club's account (BSB: 032-289 A/C: 590131). 

If you have a car on Club Historic or Conditional Registration, you need to be a financial member to maintain your registration.

Each car on Club plates has to have an individual corresponding financial member of the club.

Join our Club

Saab Car Club of Australia (NSW) Inc.
17-19 Hobart Street RIVERSTONE NSW 2765
Phone 02 9627 6834
Manage your car club online with