
The NSW SAAB Club runs at least one event every month. The following list is the type of events that we run. As events are added they will feature in the calendar to the right. 

Visitors / prospective members are welcome to join us at events (except those where numbers are limited). 

Lunch Runs

Longer drives on interesting roads followed by a lunch and a time to relax and socialise. 

Breakfast Runs

A short run on great roads followed by a well-deserved breakfast.

Weekends Away

A relaxed Saturday drive to a pleasant spot, a convivial dinner and an interesting rendezvous for Sunday lunch is the ideal way to cement friendships.

Observation/Navigation Runs

Events where sharp eyes and some powers of deduction are elements to an interesting drive.

Club Displays

The annual Show and Shine event is usually held on a date in September, and attracts the best Saabs for club members and the general public to enjoy.

Shannons Classic

We participate at the annual Shannons Classic event at Eastern Creek, usually with over 20 vehicles representing the breadth of models in the marque on display. 

Historic / Club Plate Day

Every August a day is dedicated to those members driving vehicles on club (historic) plates. THis is when most of our club registered vehicles are inspected by the scrutineer, and prepared for registration. 

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month, except January.

Events calendar

Related pages

Coming events

Saturday, 5 April 2025
Picnic Burragorang Lookout

Saturday, 12 July 2025
Xmas in July

Saab Car Club of Australia (NSW) Inc.
17-19 Hobart Street RIVERSTONE NSW 2765
Phone 02 9627 6834
Manage your car club online with